Allen Gaston
President & Owner
Gaston Outdoor Advertising, Inc.
Allen Gaston is the President and Owner of Gaston Outdoor Adver5sing, Inc. He has been working in the OOH industry for over 40 years. He founded G&S Outdoor Adver5sing Company in 1980 before he and his wife, Stacy, founded Gaston Outdoor Adver5sing in 1992. Throughout his career in OOH, he has con5nually managed his own company and book of business. Allen served as the former President of OAAG in 1993-1994 and 2000-2001 and has served as a director since 1986 to present day. He was also appointed by Governor Roy Barnes to the original Roadside Enhancement and Beau5fica5on Council (REBC) in 2002 and con5nues to serve on the REBC to this day. Prior to entering the OOH industry, Allen graduated from Presbyterian College with a B.S. in Business Administra5on while leTering in football and track. Following gradua5on, he served as West Georgia College’s Defensive Back Coach from 1980 to 1984 and won the NCAA Division III Na5onal Championship in 1982. During this 5me, he also served in the Georgia Army Na5onal Guard. Today, Allen enjoys spending 5me with his family, working in the yard, riding bikes and aTending Clemson University and Presbyterian College events.